Hi, David Glynn, here. I'm an artist in Los Angeles, and I'd like to introduce you to my latest creation. It's a mural of a hundred paintings called "Choice Cycle," designed for a virtual reality experience, but first, let me introduce myself. I am David Glynn. (click for video intro)

( Enlargements available on request )

 #1 "POW, THWAK, BANG"  40" x 54" acrylic on canvas  2017

#2 "Newcomers- Trevi"  30" x 46" oil on linen  2016        

#3 "Conjuror"   48" x 58" oil on linen 2015

#4 "Frieze Urn" 58" x 48" oil on linen  2007      


Below is my series in progress of acrylic paintings called “Behind Glass” started in 2019 to be incorporated into a Virtual Reality experience. The 9’ foot wide mock-up painting of three 17 story apartment buildings will have each window filled with an image of a 40” x 54” acrylic painting that the viewer can “fly up” to levitate and see as you move by them. I update many more paintings regularly to my Instagram page: david_glynn_

"tropical Lounge"